Monday, September 27, 2010
Annealing Time Calculator
Avviso a tutti i genitori di piccole canaglie living in Belgium ;-)
Arcobalena back from the cold waters of Patagonia, but found the doors closed the MDLS ... :-( That
were set up two routes ludodidattici home. The perfect link between school education and play at home.
's groups:
read, play and write-
the Wednesday to Etterbeek, from 16.00 to 18.00: the path is indirazzato ludo-educational for children of 5-6 years (preferably Italian mother.) Focus on: introduction to reading and writing.
remain: two seats!
Small piratitaliani
-General to the Monday Jacques (cross ch. Wavre) from 14.45 to 16.30, with children 3-5 years and / or with a bit more difficult in oral expression (see "with an Italian father).
remain: 4 seats
addition to these weekly appointments, organize, during the fall, themed afternoons at the library piola.libri Italian (66 rue Franklin in Schuman) where they will read fairy tales in Italian and give you a chance ' the children to play with the language of Dante and families to meet, meet and drink a glass of wine, as the library and 'even wine.
The participation fee is 15 € / hour, or € 30 per session (with a minimum of three participants and a maximum di 5)
Sono inoltre previste "Letture animate" went piola.libri (progetto piola.bimbi) per fine ottobre e possibilmente, una volta al mese, semper libreria italiana di presso the Rue Franklin. Per ulteriori informazioni
contattate Arcobalena via e-mail
Monday, September 20, 2010
Milena Velba Av Gallery
courses were held in the House of Solidarity (Street Viaduct 133, Ixelles)
schedule for all courses: from 18.30 to 21.00
- soglia - B1 - Threshold> Wednesday evening - ( we need a small test investment ) 32 hours from September to December 2010 + 32 hrs of January to April 2011
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Famous Sayings With Running And Being Prepared
ART BASE 20H Friday 24/09/2010
South Italy , a colorful journey Into the musical tradition of South and East
MUSICAUTA is the result of research work into traditional music in the south of Italy, crossing this music with other styles and influences that give it a modern relevance.
Nicola Andrioli and Morena Brindisi have been working on this project for some years.
Their idea is to fuse typical Apulia music forms as 'pizzica', 'tarantella', 'serenata' 'ninna-nanna' with other Mediterranean rhythms and with jazz improvisations, that belong to the musical background of the two artists.
Carlo Strazzante originates from the south of Italy and he specialized in percussion techniques from the oriental and Indian world. His framedrums and Indian percussion instruments go perfectly with the MUSICAUTA project that has now acquired its definitive form. The three musicians having very different backgrounds and they can play the original scores on multiple interpretation levels.
Thus MUSICAUTA offers you a colorful adventure into the musical tradition of south and east.
Art Base, Friday 24/9/2010 20H, 29 rue des Sables, 1000 Bruxelles, 12,50E (under 26 8E)
For reservations, more info & samples go to, September 9, 2010
# # I-catcher Console – Web Monitor
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Cervical Mucus At Menstruation Onset
As each year, officers of Mill'Italia held a permanent associations at the Forum organized by the town of Milly-La-ForĂȘt.